My name is Ethan, a lot of you may be coming from tiktok, instagram, Facebook, or somebody that has done the 3 month program may have referred you to me. I have helped people diagnosed with different cancers, kidney disease, diabetes type 1&2, high blood pressure, hsv 1&2, HIV/AIDS, herpes, tumors, kidney stones, autoimmune disorders, chrons disease, arthritis, leukemia, anemia, sickle cell, weight loss, eczema, acne, eczema, gut issues, IBS, acid reflux, fibromyalgia, hair growth, and ALOT more. All dis-ease has been cured, and will continue to be cured. The medical industry is a business, and so is your Health. For every patient that is cured, that is just another one of their customers Lost. They do not specialize in curing/reversing diseases, they put Band-Aids over bullet wounds, suppress symptoms, and focus on keeping customers for a lifetime..
This 3 month program I provide consists of three full months of herbal healing provided that is going to specialize in a deep cellular detoxification, and the herbs will specifically specialize in exactly what you are individually dealing with (write in the note at checkout exactly what you are “diagnosed“ with), and your 3 months worth of healing herbs will specifically specialize in exactly that. 15 total different plant medicines are provided throughout the 3 month program, 5 different plant medicines each month. This will consist of 90 100Mg capsules with 5 healing herbs condensed into each 100Mg capsule (capsules are made with hydrogen water, and pine leaf). You will be taking 300Mg per day, 9,000Mg per month, and will have consumed 27,000Mg worth of these healing herbs at the end of the 3 month program. In depth thoroughly gone over instructions/guidance are printed out and provided with the 3 months of herbal healing. We also print out the cellular detoxification food list that you will be sticking too, and we make a grocery list of what you will be getting from the store, market, or farmers market during this 3 month journey. We provide quantum dynamical frequency healing with the program, these are radio sound waves/dynamical frequencies that are going to assist your health during this cellular repair. Every organ, gland, and system inside of the human body scientifically has a individual sound wave frequency that gives life to that organ, gland, or system inside of the body. We have paired up with an Amazing gifted certified quantum dynamical healer that creates sound waves/radio wave frequencies that specialize in bringing the body, mind, and soul back to life during this 3 month program. This is something included that you will be doing every single day throughout this 90 day life changing process, and these frequencies will linked to your phone number or email.
Curing a disease is a lot easier then the medical industry portrays it to be, we simply need to give our ultrasonic light energy instrument the environment that it needs to heal itself. The human body is the healer, and there is steps to take to give it that environment to heal. Anybody diagnosed with a “disease”, needs to get that false perception out of their mind and realize that the body is simply at “DIS”EASE”. The human body is no longer in homeostasis.
3 month disease reversal packages can take up 3-5 weeks to create, expect a processing time.